
Thanks for joining me in this little space of the internet. Hopefully you’ll find something interesting here.

You’ll find posts about what I’ve learnt on this gloriously wobbly learning curve of life, passing thoughts that I stopped to challenge, and experiences that have changed me in some way. All this is part of my journey to be the most well I can be.

Life is a continuous learning experience. Even if we’re not aware of it, we’re still passively learning with every second. In the last seven years or so I’ve been actively learning more about myself and what this whole show of life means (turns out it really just is one big show). It began when I started seeing my health problems from a holistic perspective as I dealt with acne and messed up hormones. After realising how the drugs I’d taken to try to clear my acne had strained the rest of my body, and having not understood this before years of damage were done, I began to challenge what I thought I understood about everything. Since then I’ve been fascinated with the power of my mind (like how my thoughts impact my reality), how I can look after my mind, and I’m reeally fascinated by the invisible energies and forces of the universe that our society loves to ignore. I don’t think I’ll ever want to stop actively learning about this kind of stuff.

So thanks for being here, and please say hello, I’d love to learn from you too!

if you don’t already know me…

On the off chance someone who doesn’t already know me finds my blog, firstly, thank you for digging so deep into the internet that you found me, and secondly, let me introduce myself with a few snippets of information:

I still have no idea why I’m here. Turns out I’m not one of those people who just knows. Even though I’ve tried really hard to figure it out.

One things I know is that my purpose is to help people, but I’m not sure I know enough about anything yet to be of help.

My background is in accounting, I studied Accounting and Finance at University and have worked as an auditor and corporate accountant. My career choice doesn’t seem to align to my spiritual side, but for some reason I keep being drawn back to it. Now I’m wondering if there is a reason for that.

I’m half extroverted and half introverted, which means I need social interaction but also need my own space. Its a constant struggle to find balance.

I love running, cafes, and being outdoors.

70% dark chocolate is my absolute favourite.

My favourite time of day is when the sun makes colours in the sky. I also love a blue sky.

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